If I Could Go Anywhere…

If someone told me they would let me go anywhere (physically) I wanted for no cost, I would have to ask if it has to be a real place. I’m not someone who dreams of going to a big city, like New York, or traveling out to the country. I don’t want to go across the country, or even the world. I want to go somewhere else. Here are my top-three answers:

In Third Place: Wonderland
Wonderland. Does the name not explain everything?

In Second Place: The Emerald City
Ok, to be fair, who wouldn’t want to go to the Emerald City? It’s beautiful! I know I said I don’t dream of going to a big city, but the Emerald City is not any big city. The Emerald City has everything: magic, good, evil, and mysterious things around every corner.

And Finally,

In First Place: Hogwarts/Hogsmeade/Diagon Alley
The main reason I would want to go to there is because to go there you would have to be a witch or wizard (with the exception of Filch), and that alone is great; then getting to go to Olavander’s Wand Shop, Flourish and Blots, Honeydukes, Zonco’s, and attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Positively amazing, I’d say.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Hey visitors! I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I also wanted to share some pictures from my Christmas.

1. Tree Takes:
Take One, empty
Take Two:
My mom and I contributed

Take Three:
My uncle contributed

Take Four:
We removed my uncle’s contribution for the final take


I like the homemade tree decorations, personally. Have you ever done that?

2. Dogs:
House One, Mine:

House Two, my dad’s family:

House Three, my mom’s mom:


Very, very cute dogs. Do you have any dogs?

3. SOCKS!!




I love fuzzy socks. My favorite pair of socks are fuzzy, neon orange socks. Do you have a favorite pair of socks?

Please comment on the questions:
Do you have any Interesting home-made tree decorations?
Do you own dogs? What are they/is it like?
Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
How was your Christmas?

But really, I just want to say:

My Sweet Little Puppy

If you are a regular visitor to my blog (or a visitor at all), you would have noticed my avatar is a picture of a dog:


This is a picture of a Boston Terrier.  I really like Boston Terriers. Here are some facts about them:

  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Lifespan: 11 – 15 y
  • Height: 38.1 – 43.2 cm (At the withers, Breed standard)
  • Mass: 4.5 – 11.3 kg (Breed standard)
  • Temperament: Lively, Friendly, Intelligent
  • Colors: Brown & White, Brindle & White, Seal & White, Black & White

I picked this picture because my dog is a Boston Terrier named Butler:

060 006

I really love my dog. He is 14-years-old, so I’ve had him my entire life. He’s a really funny dog (see his beautiful upside-down picture). He often does not like his picture taken. I really enjoy coming home to a dog everyday. He’s getting really old, though, and It’s really sad. He’s doing well, even though we had to change his living arrangements.

Thanks, Weather!




I would personally like to thank the weather. Recently the weather here in Texas has been freezing! I would like to actually thank the weather for:

-Little homework this weekend

-Late Start Day

-Making it feel like winter

I would not like to thank the weather for:

-making it so cold I must wear a jacket inside my house

-being cold on-and-off so I don’t know when it’s freezing and when it’s not

-being freezing and wet but not snowing

and most of all…

-causing the Basketball Tournament to be canceled!

That’s only a big deal to me because we were supposed to play Small Middle School (an AISD school). This was a school I applied for when I “graduated” elementary school. I was really looking forward to it, but it was canceled! The first tournament of the year. Ya, I’m disappointed, but I know we’ll still win when it comes up again!

Dark starCreative Commons License Photo Credit: Alexey Kljatov via Compfight


I am Me

I am a pretender

Sometimes, I was a brave-hearted adventurer on an old, breaking, wooden ship, sinking slowly into the horridly beautiful Sea of Fire

Other times, I was a wondrous wizard with a sapphire blue cape, flying around making potions and casting spells

I am a believer

“Don’t let your lights go down, don’t let your fire burn out. Somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe.” (Britt Nicole)

My own little world was magical-I could be everyone, everywhere! It was my hideout, and it could change at a snap of my fingers

I am a dreamer
Across oceans and over mountains, my shoes have taken me on fantastic journeys: I have seen everything and gone everywhere

I could be anyone, anywhere, in anyway. It was my choice, All it took was a little imagination

I am me
I’m the one who stares out the window or at the clock on the extra long days of school, wishing to be anywhere but in a small desk

The dark green trees sitting outside my house have been the same forever, they are my connection to the roots of my childhood.

I am a pretender.
I am a believer.
I am a dreamer.
I am Kendall.
I am me.



In the morning and to the evening

Forever in a day and all through the night

We are all ready to see the lights

It’s all in our sights


Red is the color of love and blood,

The pain and joy of all breathing moments

If red could talk it would say:

“I’m half of your thoughts, half of your emotions.”


Orange is the color of the new and old day

The color of beginning and end

If orange was alive it would believe,

That it’s the way all the days bend


Yellow is the color of light

The light that represents the good

If yellow was more than a way, a thought

It would say it was fairly understood


Green is the color of new life

It brings together the leaves and the trees

If green were alive and breathing

It would say it’s famous with ease.


Blue is the color of water

It is the color that keeps everything living

If blue could speak out of itself

It would speak of how it is receiving and giving 


Purple is the color of royalty

Purple shows luxury and calmness

If it was as alive as you and me,

It would show you no darkness


Pink is the color of beauty

The color that shines and glows

If pink could show you it’s thoughts

You’d see a color as sweet as a rose


Black is the color of darkness

Of sorrow and pain

If color could talk of itself

It would cry in vain


White is the color of snow,

Of happiness and joy

If white was able to speak its thoughts,

It would hope to never be destroyed

Ok Visitors, Guess What!

Guess what visitors! I’ve made the school basketball team! I’m on the Girls 7th Grade A-Team for the West Ridge Wildcats! GO TEAM! I’ve been playing basketball for 5 years, but this is my first year playing on a school team. My first league (or is it called a group?) was Upward, which is a Christian Basketball league/group for 1st-6th graders (I was in it from 2nd grade to 6th). I loved playing there, but they had different rules than WRMS basketball does, so this year was a big change. Funny story time!

When I was in 3rd grade (I had already been in Upward for 1 year), I remember telling my friend who then challenged me to a 1-on-1 game. It was sad then, but now I laugh at how horrible it turned out. Like I said earlier, the rules were very different, so I didn’t know, for instance, that stealing was allowed. Turns out, my friend did. I remember getting so mad and frustrated because I couldn’t figure out why I was doing so badly! I even tried to ask about it, but I wouldn’t get an answer no matter how hard I tried. After this, I started asking WAY more questions in Upward after that.

So anyway, I made the A-Team. I was so excited when I found out! I now get to play basketball for my school (almost) every Thursday. The team also has my friends on it. It’s really fun to play the sport you love with the people you love to hang out with. Our team’s first game is Thursday November 21, so wish us luck! GO WILDCATS!

Shoreditch Globetrotter
Photo Credit: Fabio Venni via Compfight

Are You Ready?

Are you ready?
Are you ready to start the day?
Are you ready to face your friends?
Are you ready to face your enemies?
Are you ready?

Are you ready?
Are you ready for class?
Are you ready to learn from your teacher?
Are you ready to learn from your iPad?
Are you ready?

Are you ready?
Are you ready to end the school day?
Are you ready to work on homework?
Are you ready to work on your game skills?
Are you ready?

Are you ready?
Are you ready to end the day?
Are you ready to sleep until morning?
Are you ready to stay awake until morning?
Are you ready?

Are you ready for everyday from now until forever?
Are you ready to be you, or your opposite?
Are you ready to live the rest of your life?
Are you ready to survive the ups?
Are you ready for the downs?
Are you ready for the night?
Are you ready for the day?
Are you ready to watch?
Are you ready to start?
Are you ready?

Getting Ready For A Hot Summer Day

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Kuzeytac via Compfight

From the Kent River Valley

Hi visitors! I’ve decided that I want to tell you a little bit about my name. My name is Kendall, which means “From the Kent River Valley.” For those of you who don’t know me, Kendall is pronounced like the device (kindle). Funnily enough, when I was in fifth grade, my parents got me a Kindle Fire. I haven’t stopped hearing that Kendall has a Kindle since.

Anyway, when my parents were naming me, they were not considering the name Kendall because of its meaning. My mom told me she wanted to name me something that’s meaning was light, and something that was both a boy’s name and a girl’s name. Now, obviously, Kendall does not mean light. However, when you say Kendall out loud, what does it sound like? To me (and a lot of other people), Kendall sounds a lot like candle. Actually, people used to call me Candle when I was younger (it wasn’t very nice, so please don’t).

One interesting, and slighting annoying, thing about my name is how it is spelled, and how other people spell it. I have seen so many spellings of my name it is funny. I have seen Kindle, Kendell, Kendle, Kindel, Kendille (I don’t even get that one), Kendal, and Kindall. None of which are right, but when I tell people how to spell my name they always spell it wrong! My last name is hard to spell too. However, since this is the Internet, I am not going to tell you how people spell my last name, or what it is. All I want you to know is that very little people in my grade can actually spell my name right.

So, now you know a little bit about my name. Now what about you? What does your name mean, and why is that why your parents named you it, or is it another reason, like me? Do you have a name that is hard to spell right, or easy to? What about the ability to say your name? Do people always misspell your name? Do you prefer people to call you something that isn’t your name, like a nickname or your middle name? Leave your answers as a comment please!


I like afternoons, evenings, and even the middle of the night. However, I will always not be sure about mornings. To show you what I mean, I have thought of two versions of mornings, and then I will tell you what I think.

Version 1:
As I wake up, the sun is shining as if it was welcoming me into the new day. I smile and jump out of bed, ready to begin my day. I practically fly through my morning routine with a smile on my face. This was going to be a great day!

Version 2:
I hear my alarm clock going off, but I am hoping it is a dream. After a while, I wake myself up, wondering if this is a school day or not, then falling back asleep anyway. When I finally wake up for the third and final time, I drag myself through my morning responsibilities, only doing so because I want to get to school on time. I knew that, again, I was not going to be awake and ready for the day until 9:00.

Ok, now, those were a bit extreme for me just talking about mornings, but I wanted you to see my point. For me, mornings are almost exactly like Version 2 (which is part of the reason why it is longer). I want to know what you think about mornings, and which version relates to you. Please comment your response!