Ok, everybody, listen up. This is a very, very important post. I have a new blog, and everyone needs to go and re-subscribe to it. Click HERE for the link to the new blog. If that doesn’t work, the website is: . The new blog looks a little different. The posts are there but the fonts are gone, the Class Blog widget is gone. Oh, and all my visitors are gone. Can we just accept that I have 528 visitors  to this blog? On my new one I’ve only had 12. Let’s hope I can get people to the new one and not this one!

Ok, so, everyone needs to re-subscribe to the new blog. So, go do that! I’m going to post over the summer (look at my last post to see what about), but after today I will not be posting on this blog. So, go re-subscribe!

Sorry about the changes, but please go visit the new blog! This is the last time I’m making big changes, I promise!

So, GO GO GO!!!